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Large Mix Breed

Age: Less than 1 Year

Dog Friendly? Yes

Cat Friendly? Not Cat Tested

Child Friendly? Children over 7

Neutered/Spayed? Yes

Kaj is a handsome puppy who is hoping to find a home that will help him grow into the great family companion we know he is. His lovely grey and brown coat is soft and fluffy with puppy fur, as he grows he will be a large boy, hopefully growing into his large ears and overgrown paws.

Kaj and his sister, Sia, were discovered in a secluded forested area by a young couple in Macedonia. With no mother in sight, it was decided that the most compassionate action would be to take them in and find them loving homes. After a bit of vet care and plenty of yummy food, the pair have flourished in a temporary foster home where they have adapted to home life while waiting patently for a ticket on the happy bus.

Kaj has just arrived at our Nottinghamshire kennels and is eager to meet potential adopters. He is playful, friendly with everyone he encounters, and would make a wonderful addition to a home that it ready to commit to a puppy.

Now that Kaj is on a nutritious raw food diet, he’s growing rapidly. Although he’s still somewhat gangly and lanky, he’s expected to fill out nicely in the coming months. He’s taking pleasure in learning tricks and good behaviors, and he’s excelling in his training. Despite his love for playtime, he’s content to settle into his crate and relax quietly on his own, enjoying a crunchy buffalo horn for entertainment.

Our training is currently centered on lead walking and fostering a neutral attitude towards other dogs. Kaj enjoys interacting with his canine peers and could happily be placed in a home with another dog that matches his playful spirit. He walks gracefully alongside the larger dogs at the kennels, promising to be an excellent companion for walking or hiking adventures with his prospective owner.

Children are no problem for Kaj, he is a gentle, friendly boy and would get on well in a home with children over 7. He will be a big lad when he’s fully grown so acclimating him to young children while he’s young would be a benefit.

He has not been cat tested but if raised with them he would likely adapt and come to enjoy some feline company, we are always happy to conduct cat tests for prospective owners.

Fully vaccinated for Rabies and Infections Diseases

4D tested for Brucellosis and tick borne diseases
