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Solid White Husky

Age: 4 Years

Dog Friendly? Yes

Cat Friendly? Not tested

Child Friendly? Children over 15

Neutered? Yes

Aurora, a gorgeous husky, is in search of her permanent home following her rescue from a prior owner. She’s a breath-taking beauty, drawing attention on her walks. With her bright white fur and pale blue eyes, she’s a striking presence that’s difficult to overlook.

She is around 4 years old and sadly didn’t have an easy start to life. She was found chained up outside, with her tail amputated. It took us a while to negotiate with her ‘owners’ but eventually we managed to take her away and give her some kind of comfort with us.

Aurora is a Leishmaniasis positive dog. Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease caused by infection with Leishmania parasites. These parasites are spread through the bite of infected sand flies. It is likely that she caught it while chained up outside. Thankfully Leish is highly treatable.

She has been treated with Milteforan and remains on Allopurinol (which we will provide, by us to her owner, for the rest of her life) which is just a daily tablet and yearly blood tests. She can run and play the same as any other dog and will live a long, happy life with her forever family. Leish is easily managed and should not put people off adopting this lovely lady. Leish is NOT contagious.

Aurora has partial vision in one eye, which appears slightly cloudy. Fortunately, this doesn’t hinder her playful spirit or her enjoyment. While she’s been with us, she’s recovered a significant amount of her vision, though we believe she’s reached her maximum recovery. Despite this, she might just trick you into believing she has perfect sight, especially when she’s eagerly chasing after toys and frolicking with other dogs.

Aurora interacts wonderfully with other dogs and could easily coexist with another canine in the household. Given her traumatic past experiences, we feel she would thrive in an adult-only home. While she may tolerate teenagers, we would not recommend placing her in a home with younger children.

Aurora is an amazing dog who’s sure to bring a lot of joy to her future family. She’s super smart and a breeze to train. Even though she can’t wag her tail, she has no trouble showing her joy to everyone around her.

She has tested negative for brucellosis and has passed her Snap 4D test which tests for heartworm, ehrlichia and anaplasma.

Microchipped and Spayed