
Home » News » Baloo


Caucasian Shephard

3 Years Old

Dog Friendly? Yes, after slow introductions.

Cat Friendly? No

Child Friendly? Older Teenagers

Neutered? Yes

Baloo is a lovely lad who is looking for a forever home, he has been with us for a while and we hope that his ideal home will come along soon. He is such a stunner and makes an eye-catching sight when out walking.

Baloo is a Caucasian Shepherd, a breed celebrated for their prowess in protecting shepherds and their flocks from predators. He’s an incredibly loyal dog with a protective instinct towards his family. A home with prior experience in handling guarding or large breeds would be the perfect fit for him.

Despite his breed’s ancient origins as a protector of livestock, Baloo much prefers the pet life. He has been described as “a Labrador in a Caucasian Shephard’s body”. He is very chilled out and loves to sit in the sun with his carers enjoying the warmth on his fur.

He loves to play football and is not afraid of tackling, he hasn’t quite learnt what a “yellow card” is. He is very healthy and is fed a raw food diet, we would like to see his future adopters keep up with this as it works very well for him. He is on the smaller end of the Caucasian Shephard scale but he is still a muscly strong lad so his lead training will need to be maintained. Baloo is extremely smart and knows lots of tricks and thrives when he is kept mentally stimulated.

We would ideally like to see Baloo with an active owner/couple to keep him entertained and stimulated. We would not rehome Baloo with children due to his size, older teenagers will be considered but an adult only home would be ideal. He walks very well on the lead and is neutral with other dogs, he has not lived with other dogs before but could potentially if introductions are done slowly, Baloo cannot live with cats or small animals.

He has tested negative for brucellosis, leishmaniasis and has passed his Snap 4D test which tests for heartworm, ehrlichia and anaplasma.

Microchipped and Neutered