Little Fred


Lab Mix

2 Years Old

Dog Friendly? Yes, after slow introductions.

Cat Friendly? No

Child Friendly? Older Teenagers

Neutered? Yes

Little Fred is an active young man who can often be found tearing round our field as a blond blur. He is definitely convinced he is still a puppy, even though we have tried to tell him that he’s too old for such behaviour. He is a charming dog who makes all of us smile with his antics.

He is a dog that will need consistency and boundaries in the home to make sure that he grows into a well-rounded adult. Little Fred could be rehomed with another dog, a more established older dog would be perfect so that he has a role model to look up to, but he would be just as content as the sole dog.

Little Fred was rescued with 9 other puppies who were found on one of the illegal dumps in Macedonia, he is the last of his littermates to be adopted. If it such a shame that he has yet to find a home since he is such a fantastic character, he loves to cuddle up with us in the kennel caravan after he has had his run. He has a hilarious silly side that just makes us laugh. He loves a game of tug and a few rounds of fetch are great to get his pre-walk excitement out before heading for his daily stroll.

Little Fred absolutely loves rolling around in the grass with his football so a home with an enclosed garden is a must! He enjoys a spot of sunbathing and is happy to lay on the grass, spreading out to make sure his tan is nice and even. He enjoys a healthy raw food diet that has kept him in fantastic shape, so we would like his future home to continue this so that he can maintain his figure.

His energy levels might be a bit much for some children but families with older teenagers will be considered. At the end of the day Little Fred is more than happy to head off to his crate with a toy or raw treat to keep himself entertained before bedtime.

He passed all his tests for tick born diseases and his 4D snap test. He is a very healthy young lad.