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This is a very special story about a very special boy called Diesel who was originally from Macedonia. This boy was taken from outside a block of flats in Macedonia where he was continually trying to get back inside, we believe his owner had thrown him to the street, he was in such a distressed state the front liners were unable to lead him away and ended up having to dart him and sedate him to move him. For 3 days no one could get near him in kennels but eventually Doggy Dens spotted him and agreed to take him into their care and brought him into the UK. 

He was selective with who he trusted but connected with a handful of kennel staff, one of them being Denise. She worked with this boy continually but having attempted three homes for adoption it was evident that this boy preferred to be in kennels. Denise and Louise made the decision to keep him at Rex Pet Hotel with an addition of his own home named Diesel’s Den.

This boy relaxed and enjoyed most company, not all of course but he teamed up with a female dog called Shelby and shared his kennel space gladly. Time passed and the thought of him gaining a home seemed to widen, Denise decided it was time to start testing him a little, his reluctance to get into a car held him back enormously, so a plan was put into place for training. 

He jumped in and jumped out, he ate his dinner in the car, he drove around the block . He loved his toys, he loved his walks but it was just kennel life. 

The kennels had a visitor one day, what was a possible adopter willing to try working with both Shelby and Diesel. 

Many visits later, and a date to visit their home was arranged. The amount of preparation was huge, trackers needed to be placed on both dogs … a plan was in place and just before Christmas 2022 both dogs were taken by Denise to their new home.

Unfortunately it proved too much for Shelby and she reacted to the change but Mr Diesel took it all in his stride … He continued to stay and flourish and is still living his best life with trips to the beach, something the rescue team never thought would be possible . 

Mr Diesel had over a year in kennels with the team, who never stopped working with him. Time and patience achieved him a fabulous happy home allowing him to finally have a full and loving life. 

We love you Mr D and are over the moon that today you are living life with a smile.